Art Yoga Studio au 11 rue Defly à Nice ferme ses portes définitivement  le 01 juin 2023. Suivez notre prochaine aventure sur les réseaux sociaux

Our yoga shala has definitely closed his door on June 1st.Follow our new adventure on social media

Yoga Class description

Restorative Yin Yoga

Regenerative yoga has been practiced in India for a long time under the name “Vishranta yoga”
This gentle and restorative yoga, above all, promotes a deep recovery of your body and recharges your batteries like a massage.
With the use of blankets, straps and bolsters (yoga bolster) you will reach a state of relaxation as physical as mental.
The use of yoga accessories helps to adapt the gentle yoga exercises for each body, each tension and each challenge. This practice directly addresses physical and mental stiffness and pain.
Joints, ligaments and tendons will benefit from these well-studied gentle sequences.
It is a real anti-stress yoga adapted and accessible to all  (teenagers, adults, seniors) and such is the beauty of this form of yoga. It regulates sleep disorders with consistent practice. It is the an antidote to a depressive state, because by taking time for and listening to yourself, some emotional blockages are released, like melting snow in the sun.
To try it and you will adopt it because as you progress you will approach life with more serenity!

Alignment Flow

You will find in these sessions a therapeutic approach aimed at developing flexibility and mobility of joints — balance and the right amount of adjustment to help heal and prevent injuries. The focus is on accurate alignment in each posture.

The feel of the posture is reinforced with accessories such as straps, blankets, bricks, chairs and bolsters. Each accessory will bring you the necessary support to improve your postural balance.
The breath is coordinated with each movement.
Accessible to all levels.

Hatha Flow

Hatha Flow is a wise, stable and energising practice; postures are held to integrate breathing.

Fluid and graceful, it strengthens the physical body, helps to find balance, soothes the mind and circulates the Pranic energy with great support and accompaniment of the breath of life (Prana).

In this style of yoga, you will experience your body as a vehicle of energy. The Flow invites and allows you to cultivate the Bhava, the conscious and focused mind.

AN ENERGETIC DELIGHT ACCESSIBLE TO ALL. In allowing your head to enter your physical body, the divine miracle of * BEING * happens.

Rise & Flow

Ne dit-on pas que le monde appartient au gens qui se lèvent tôt !

Voilà le cours idéal pour bouger et onduler tel l’océan qui se réveille avec ses mouvements fluide et serein.

La pratique de ce yoga est fluide, profonde, paisible et avant tout en pleine conscience, pratique de la respiration oxygénante pour le corps et l’esprit . Étirements en douceur, tout y est.

Rien de mieux pour amener la clarté et la bonne humeur dans sa journée!

Les bénéfices de pratiquer tôt le matin sont incalculables, à jeun bien évidemment.

Ce cours est totalement enseigné en anglais. Que cela ne soit pas un obstacle, la langue du yoga est le Sanskrit.

À vos tapis gens du matin.

Intuitive Flow

Intuitive flow is a practice composed of chained and fluid movements where each practician finds his or her rhythm synchronised with breath and the foundation of concentration.
This practice cultivates the art of the present moment and becomes a meditation in motion .
The teachers who teach this form of yoga will show you the path of agility, joint flexibility and inner listening .
The intuition — which every human possesses and is often derailed by the mind — is a source of reliable intelligence .
Let us learn to listen to it, as it does not lie even though the mind or the ego will play little tricks with you.
Each session is different.
It can be gentle and restorative or as dynamic and invigorating.
Don’t expect anything, let the teacher guide you with creativity.
An unexpected voyage towards the self!

Face Yoga

La gymnastique faciale par excellence !

Eh oui, votre visage est composé de muscles, on en compte une cinquantaine que l’on utilise chaque jour sans même en être conscient.

Ils ont eux aussi la nécessité de travailler pour rester tonique, ferme et dense.

La séance se déroule assise , en toute décontraction.

Une méthode révolutionnaire et vraiment efficace pour lutter contre l’affaissement de la peau, redessine l’ovale du visage au fil de la pratique, tonifie les nombreux muscles d’expression de notre visage.

Les bienfaits et bénéfices sont multiples au niveau musculaire visage et cou, le volume augmente au fil des séances.

Sans parler de la détente profonde que l’on installe aussi à l’extérieur qu à l’intérieur .

Les automassages que l’on apprend peuvent se pratiquer chaque jour chez vous.

L’engouement est total ! Mais bien sûr il n y a pas de miracle, il faut être régulier.

Après la séance, Céline vous mènera dans un bain de relaxation profonde avec un Yoga Nidra : le yoga du sommeil régénérateur.

Apportez votre huile végétale pour la séance.

Nos recommandations : huile d’abricot bio, huile de rose musquée, huile de bourrache ou d’orange et la Rolls des huiles : huile de figue de barbarie .. Un must ! Le studio en possède quelques flacons à vendre dépêchez vous le stock est bientôt épuisé.

Yin Yoga

A gentle approach accessible to all, YIN Yoga, derived from the Taoist principles, focuses on the work of connective tissues (fascias) joints, tendons and ligaments rather than on muscle work.

It significantly improves the overall flexibility of the body, the health of joints, organs and even bones.

Each posture is an invitation to relax deeply, holding the poses between 3 to 5 minutes with the support of blankets, bricks and bolsters. Without realising it, you have slipped into a deep relaxation of body and mind.

An Invitation to Let Go.

Benefits of this date with yourself: Strengthening of joints, tendons and ligaments. Stimulation of the production of collagen, and fascias .

Provides access to a meditative state through the postures, and letting go. 

Yoga Fit

Yogafit is a mixture of Hatha Yoga along with balance, strength, physical training, cardio, muscle strengthening and core work. (Squats, Abdos, Glutes etc) and plenty of fun! Accessible, comprehensive and doable for everybody of all physical abilities. For everyone and all bodies! Wake up and start your week with lots of energy ready to attack the week!


Kundalini Yoga is named after the Sanskrit term “Kundalini”, which according to this doctrine, refers to a primordial energy that is present in every human being and that evolves along a main channel (susumma) located along the spine, in the centre of the spinal cord, from the sacrum to the top of the head.

This practice activates the awakening of consciousness. The practice is composed of Asanas (postures), Pranayama (breath technique), engagement of Bandha (closures and contractions), and the recitation of Mantras.

The benefits of this powerful technique are immense, and have an incredible impact on your life.

A shortcut to mindfulness .

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga is for the practitioner who is looking for a dynamic and committed practice.

The practice is a methodical succession of steps, sequences/postures, or the succession of changes undertaken with a single intention.

The key benefits of Ashtanga Yoga are breath, intent and attention (being involved in every moment).

This playful practice will invite you to advance with determination, stability, strength and comfort in the postures.

Ujjayi Pranayama breathing creates a vibration on the puck of the lips heating the air entering the body. The perspiration that occurs during the practice helps to get rid of impurities and toxins. DYNAMIC, CLEANSING AND CALMING.


Pilates is a method for strengthening the deep muscles, responsible for our posture.
These deep muscles are those of our center, (also known as the core) which are located between the ribs and the pelvis, and around the spine (abdominals, pelvic floor and back muscles)

They make up the energetic centre of the body. All movements begin from the from the core.
Breathing is done laterally from the chest, which optimises the use our lungs.

The work of Joseph Pilates stresses on the quality in the execution of the movement and not the quantity.
After 10 sessions you will notice a difference and with constant and regular practice a toned and strengthened core.


Yin Yang Yoga

It is a comprehensive practice where the search for balance is the guiding light.

We mix two opposing but complementary styles of yoga: Yin (lunar, passive) and Yang (solar, active).

The notion of balance in the practice of Yoga is gradually integrated into daily life and instills the reflection on how you find balance in our personal vital energy.

And as a result you may experience a glimpse  of revelation.

Need informations ?

Art Yoga Studio au 11 rue Defly à Nice ferme définitivement ses portes le 01 juin 2023

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